Keyboard Shortcuts for Macs

While many shortcuts are similar on both PC and Mac computers, a Mac has a few different keys that make its shortcuts slightly different. If you are new to a Mac, transitioning from a PC, or simply want to know how to do your work faster on your Mac, here are a few of the possible keyboard shortcuts that you can do with your Mac.

The most important shortcut key on a Mac is the command key. The command key has a symbol of 4 interconnected loops and many also have the Apple logo. There is a command key on either side of the space bar. While a PC often uses the CTRL key, the Mac depends on the command key. The command key often combines with the letters on the keyboard, generally the same ones that are used on a PC in combination with the CTRL key. Here are some of the most basic command key shortcuts using command key:

  • Command+C: Copy
  • Command+X: Cut
  • Command+V: Paste
  • Command+Z: Undo
  • Command+B: Bold
  • Command+U: Underline
  • Command+I: Italic

Command also combines with some of the other keys in order to accomplish many simple tasks:

  • Command+Option+Esc: force quit the current program on your computer
  • Command+ Tab: cycle through the applications that are currently open on your screen
  • Command+F4 will close an open document.

There is a long list of more complex keyboard shortcuts available at You can also program your own shortcuts for the functions that you use the most. Just go to Tools – Customize – Keyboard to get started.