5 Pumpkin Carving Tips

5 Pumpkin Carving Tips

Halloween is tomorrow!  If you find yourself carving jack-o-lanterns this year, here are a few helpful tips to make it go more smoothly.  This post has nothing to do with IT Support, so if that’s a deal breaker stop reading.
  • Start at the bottom – Traditionally you start a pumpkin by cutting a hole in the top of the gourd so you can clean it out.  Instead, try cutting a large hole on the bottom of the pumpkin. It will create more access for cleaning, it looks better, and it makes lighting candles easier as well.
  • Dry Wall Saw – for large straight cuts; look in the trusty toolbox for a dry wall saw.  It will make quick easy work.  Just be careful if you have young children around.
  • Scooping – The thing I hate the most about pumpkin carving is scooping all the guts out.  If you have a rice paddle (they commonly come with rice cookers) break this bad boy out to help get the cleaning done faster.
  • Preservation – When you have your pumpkin cleaned out and ready to carve, rinse it out quickly with a water bleach solution.  This will stop the inside from getting moldy so quickly.  You can also apply petroleum jelly to your cuts to prevent them from getting saggy and wrinkly so quickly as well.
  • Angles – Depending on the type and size of pumpkin, you get; the flesh can sometimes get thick.  The problem this can create is that the cuts can come in on themselves. When you light the pumpkin, it can snuff out the candle or cause them to be dim.  Many times, you can actually angle your cuts down or out so that it creates more space on the inside than the outside.  This will ensure plenty of light gets through so your design shines bright.
From your friends at i.t.NOW we hope you have a happy and safe Halloween!