Do Not Use These Passwords!

Do Not Use These Passwords!

If there is one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that 2020 has been a dumpster fire.  The only thing that would make it worse is if someone hacked your password and stole your data.  We’re here for you.  I present a list of the 100 worst passwords around.  If your password is on this list, we’ll give you some advice about how to handle it.


100 Terrible Passwords Ranked from Worst to Slightly Less Terrible

  1. 12345
  2. 123456
  3. 123456789
  4. test1
  5. password
  6. 12345678
  7. zinch
  8. g_czechout
  9. asdf
  10. qwerty
  11. 1234567890
  12. 1234567
  13. Aa123456.
  14. iloveyou
  15. 1234
  16. abc123
  17. 111111
  18. 123123
  19. dubsmash
  20. test
  21. princess
  22. qwertyuiop
  23. sunshine
  24. BvtTest123
  25. 11111
  26. ashley
  27. 00000
  28. 000000
  29. password1
  30. monkey
  31. livetest
  32. 55555
  33. soccer
  34. charlie
  35. asdfghjkl
  36. 654321
  37. family
  38. michael
  39. 123321
  40. football
  41. baseball
  42. q1w2e3r4t5y6
  43. nicole
  44. jessica
  45. purple
  46. shadow
  47. hannah
  48. chocolate
  49. michelle
  50. daniel
  51. maggie
  52. qwerty123
  53. hello
  54. 112233
  55. jordan
  56. tigger
  57. 666666
  58. 987654321
  59. superman
  60. 12345678910
  61. summer
  62. 1q2w3e4r5t
  63. fitness
  64. bailey
  65. zxcvbnm
  66. f&*^you (edited)
  67. 121212
  68. buster
  69. butterfly
  70. dragon
  71. jennifer
  72. amanda
  73. justin
  74. cookie
  75. basketball
  76. shopping
  77. pepper
  78. joshua
  79. hunter
  80. ginger
  81. matthew
  82. abcd1234
  83. taylor
  84. samantha
  85. whatever
  86. andrew
  87. 1qaz2wsx3edc
  88. thomas
  89. jasmine
  90. animoto
  91. madison
  92. 0987654321
  93. 54321
  94. flower
  95. Password
  96. maria
  97. babygirl
  98. lovely
  99. sophie
  100. Chegg123

If you’ve looked through this list and are distraught that you have a terrible password, the fix is easy.  Change your password immediately to something more secure.  I’ve talked extensively about the anatomy of a secure password here, so I won’t discuss that in depth in this post.

If you’re tired of managing passwords for the 1 million accounts you have in your life, it might be time to consider a password manager such as LastPass.  This allows you to stay secure and simplifies your life by making it so you don’t have to remember all those passwords.

There are other things you can do as well.  Setting up 2 factor authentication on your accounts where possible is a good idea.  Its much more secure and can be simply done by using an authenticator app on your phone in many cases.  I’ve talked about that in depth here.


2020 has been a disaster of a year.  Don’t make it worse by leaving yourself open to attack.  Also know that the experts at i.t.NOW are here to help with all your IT security questions.  If you’re concerned about the safety of your data, and don’t already have a plan in place, call us today.