Co-Managed IT Hiring Assistance

Co-Managed IT Hiring

If your business has grown to the point where you need a full-time helpdesk engineer onsite, but you also have a complex network and servers, co-managed IT may be the right fit.  This allows you to have the best of both worlds.  With an available helpdesk resource providing immediate response and an entire team of experts to back them up.  Co-managed IT also allows you to tap into an IT service provider’s resources for server and network experts at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time staff with that skillset.

There’s one problem.  You don’t know how to interview an IT guy.  How do you test their skillset?  How do you vet them?  Some IT guys can talk the talk but struggle to be effective at troubleshooting real world problems.  How can you find out, so you don’t hire a dud?

Co-Managed IT Hiring Assistance

As an IT service provider, i.t.NOW specializes in hiring awesome IT people.  We know that hiring can be a challenge for businesses without IT management on staff.  We fill that gap by using our proven processes to help you vet the right candidate.  That way you can have confidence that you’re making the right decision.

Vetting Process

i.t.NOW has an extensive vetting process for all engineers that helps us to gauge their knowledge and practical skill set.  They first take a written exam.  Typically, only a little over 50% of applicants will get a passing score.  If they don’t pass their interview process ends there.

Qualified candidates that pass the written exam move on to a hands-on test.  In this practical exam we sit them in front of a broken computer and ask them to fix it.  We observe whether they can solve the problem, and what their troubleshooting methodology is.  Again, the results are tallied.  Those that did not pass are dismissed.

Successful candidates will be passed on to a peer review interview, where other seasoned helpdesk technician have a chance to quiz them.  This helps us better understand their background and experience as well as get a better feel for their personality. 

Finally successful candidates need to pass a background check to be eligible for employment.


Another challenge for businesses hiring their first internal IT employee is training.  Naturally they won’t have much built out in the way of training materials for a new IT hire.  As part of assisting to hire the right IT talent, i.t.NOW will also train them.  They are invited to come to our offices for a 2-week training program and to learn all about our processes and procedures.

Shared Toolset

In addition to training, we will also give them access to and train them on our IT toolset.  This allows them to easily manage tickets and support requests.  It also gives them visibility into every machine on your network, and easy management of those devices.  We will also train them on how to properly document your IT environment using our toolset for IT documentation.

The Results You Want

You want to have confidence that you’re hiring the right person with the right skillset.  Additionally, they need to work closely as a team with your chosen IT service provider.  Our hiring and training process assistance allows you to have confidence that you will get the results you want.  Your tech, working along side i.t.NOW engineers will give you the complete IT solution you’ve been looking for. Click HERE to learn more about our co-managed IT solutions, or give us a call today to discuss how i.t.NOW could help you make the right hire for your co-managed IT solution.