Category Archives: IT Strategy

Ensuring Data Security in IT Asset Disposal

IT asset disposal is as critical as the implementation of new technologies. Wait, what? It’s true! Particularly when it comes to the secure erasure of sensitive data, proper IT disposal is essential. As organizations routinely upgrade their systems, secure disposal practices help prevent data breaches and maintain compliance with data protection regulations. Read on for other […]

AI Is Taking Over (The Microsoft 365 Suite)!

Microsoft Copilot Blog header

Let’s talk about artificial intelligence. No, it’s not taking over the world, but it is definitely changing how we handle our daily grind at work! Microsoft Copilot is one of the newest tools in the Microsoft 365 toolbox that is a great representation of how AI can transform your workflow: it’s like having a hyper-efficient […]

How to Prepare for Your Next Cyber Security Insurance Renewal

Just to be clear as we get started, i.t.NOW does NOT sell cyber security insurance.  We just help make sure our clients have the right security solutions in place to protect their business.  We also help our clients with IT strategy, and recently how to prepare for your next cyber security insurance renewal has come […]

3 Advantages of Technology Standardization for Multifamily Residential

Most multifamily residential management companies end up with a portfolio of properties in numerous locations regionally or nationwide.  These properties will naturally differ in many of their key characteristics.  Creating standard operating procedures on how they are to be operated will allow for easier management and movement of employees from one property to another as […]

How to Eliminate Waste in IT Spending

With inflation and the economy in flux many business owners and IT professionals are taking a hard look at IT spending.  The big question is how to eliminate waste in IT spending.  As part of our effort to be a good partner for our clients i.t.NOW has developed a checklist of places you can look […]

How Law Firms Are Scaling in the Cloud

As law firms seek to scale, innovate, and remain competitive, cloud technology is proving to be an indispensable asset. Is your law firm ready for this digital shift? In this blog, we’ll cover the following: Why Are Law Firms Embracing Cloud Technology? The legal industry has traditionally been slower to adopt technological advancements compared to […]

The Exact Technologies Holding Your Business Back in 2023

We recently wrote an E-Book on the top 10 Technologies to improve your business, and it got us thinking about the flip side: what are the technologies that need to be trimmed? In this short blog, we’ll review the exact technologies that have the largest negative impact on the productivity of a business. Let’s get […]

IT Strategy Review

IT Strategy Review

i.t.NOW routinely consults with small businesses on their technology solutions.  This week we did a deeper dive with a local company to look at all things IT.  The results illustrate how regular IT strategy reviews can impact your overall IT experience, and the budget. Background This business had been working with a competitor of ours […]

The Cost of Poor IT

This week we met with a business owner to discuss their current IT solution.  They’ve been with the same company for years.  It’s a small shop with just a few employees and was great for a long time.  There was really 1 guy that knew and maintained their systems.  He left the company about a […]