Hackers and criminals are out there every day working hard to crack into your network and database. The best way to protect yourself from these vicious attacks is to have a secure firewall that is effectively monitored. Simply put, a firewall is a piece of hardware or software that sits between a computer and the […]
In these times of modern technology, having computer skills isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. With increased skill and comfort levels, you may have more opportunities in front of you. Here are a few suggestions on how to become just a bit more computer savvy. Read technical books. One of the best ways to improve […]
Most small businesses start with just one or two people who handle every aspect of their business, from customer care to marketing and information technology. While that may work, and even be necessary for a while, once the company begins to grow there is too much for one person to handle. Hiring employees will mean […]
Keeping in contact with friends and family is important to us as people. If that weren’t true, we wouldn’t have devised so many ways to do it. We’ve moved beyond the letters our parents and grandparents used to write and the occasional phone call too keep in touch. Sharing news this way could take several […]
Chances are very high that wherever you work you will need to perform basic computer tasks. Entry level jobs that require computer knowledge include receptionist, data entry, clerk, human resources and customer service.7 So you may not be a computer whiz, but you know how to do “some stuff.” How much is enough to get […]
With all the devices available now, it might seem easy to find the one that fits your lifestyle. But with so many choices, which one will deliver what you need at a price you can afford? Whether it’s a desktop or a laptop, you need a device that can store all your photos, documents, games, […]
It’s no secret that productivity in the workplace has increased by leaps and bounds each year through the introduction of faster, more applicable technology. The O2 Business and the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr) released results of a study last October that found out just how much that increase is. What they found […]
Technology advances quickly and with it our reliance on the newest and fastest. Too often we get comfortable with the technology we use and don’t safeguard against possible crises. In the workplace, there are many employees using the system and each one adds a risk to IT security. Any data loss or malware in the […]
How tedious is getting your work done on the computer when you have to constantly flip between documents, email, instant messaging, multiple web tabs, etc? Technology is always being updated to be more convenient and productive. Well you can increase your productivity a lot without any upgrade. Just get another monitor. What are the advantages […]
It’s time to upgrade again. Macintosh has released their newest operating system: OS X Mavericks. A free download available since October 22nd of this year. It is less a new system and more an improvement on the old OS X systems. So if you are an Apple fan, there will still be all the features […]