
Mid-Year Security Update

Mid-Year Security Update: Hackers pivot efforts to most profitable attacks, COVID Exploits on the rise Let’s face it.  2020 isn’t going to be remembered as anyone’s favorite year.  There has been a TON of bad news and it doesn’t stop coming.  Reading the latest security reports gave me a glimmer of hope for a few […]

Working Remotely? Here Are Cybersecurity Basics You Need to Know

Working Remotely? Here Are Cybersecurity Basics You Need to Know Working remotely has become standard in today’s digital world, even prior to the global health crisis forcing us all to stay at home. Although there are definitely tons of perks to working remotely, one huge drawback is that you don’t have physical access to IT […]

How COVID-19 Has Changed Business IT

How COVID-19 Has Changed Business IT It has been a long few months as we have all struggled with the effects of COVID-19 and subsequent shelter in place orders.  It has changed our lives in many ways, and IT is no exception.  When looking at your business IT solution here are some things to consider. […]

6 Indicators You’re at Risk for Ransomware

6 Indicators You’re at Risk for Ransomware Research reveals that there are 6 Indicators you’re at risk for ransomware.  These items if not properly addressed will exponentially increase your risk of an attack.  Here are the top 6 items you should look out for: No Centrally managed Anti-virus & Patching – Patching and Anti-Virus have […]

Zoom Security Concerns

Zoom Security Concerns Businesses around the US have sent employees home to work following COVID-19 shelter in place orders.  This has caused a huge influx of users to video conferencing applications like Zoom.  However, security of these products is always a concern, and Zooms complete lack of security is apparent in recent media coverage. Frankly, […]

Social Media Engineering

Social Media Engineering – Why You Should Think Twice Before Taking that “Harmless Quiz” Most of us are working from home right now.  Maybe we have a little more time on our hands than usual.  It’s even possible that we spend more time than we used to on social media trying to keep up with […]