7 Technology tools that rock! There are a lot of great technology tools on the market to help improve productivity and efficiency. Here are a handful that I’d recommend you check out and see if they could benefit your business. Skype – Not everybody knows it, but Microsoft bought Skype a little while ago, and […]
How to choose an IT Provider Wondering about how to choose and IT provider? IT is an essential function of your business, and it’s important to have the right solution in place. It can be challenging for business owners and executives to decide on a solution with confidence, and know their provider will deliver as […]
Computer Security : 3 Network Security Questions you should ask your IT guy right now There’s a lot to think about as a business owner or executive. If network security isn’t on your mind, it should be. The first half of 2017 has seen a 223% increase in cyber-attacks over 2016 per a recent report […]
How to protect from Ransomware Right on the heels of President Trumps executive order to improve the state of Cyber Security in the US the entire world is being hammered by one of the largest ransomware attacks in history. The new ransomware Wannacry has run rampant across the globe infecting more than 200,000 computers in […]
Top 10 Reasons to Move to Office 365 There are a lot of reasons that most businesses should consider moving to Office 365, and a few things to think about when making the jump. Office 365 can be a huge productivity boost for businesses, and has a lot of great features that can streamline their […]
BYOD or Bring your own device is a big trend in business technology, and while it has several advantages there are also some pretty serious challenges associated with it that should be considered before jumping on the bandwagon. Let’s define BYOD a little bit. Bring your own device refers to a current technology trend where […]
3 Things You Should Ask Your IT Provider Right Now! It’s time for a reality check. I would like to say that all IT providers are ethical and hardworking, but unfortunately, that’s just not the case. The problem is that most folks don’t know enough about IT to call their bluff. It can be like […]