
Monitoring Employee Computer Usage – Their Rights and Yours

What your employees do while on the clock concerns you and the company. You expect your employees to perform certain tasks with efficiency so the salary you pay is worth their output. When your employees are browsing the internet they are not only using company property but also using up the company’s time. So, it […]

How to Choose the Right Equipment for Your Office

Setting up your own business can be an exciting time. Of the many decisions that you need to make – from staff size to logos – one important item is the equipment that you purchase for your office. The right equipment can help boost you abilities and your productivity, while the wrong equipment can turn […]

How to Move Your Computer

Whether you’re simply changing the desk location of an employee or relocating your entire office, chances are that at some point your business will need to move your computer equipment. If the move is not done properly, you risk damaging the equipment or the data that is stored within the equipment. That’s why it’s important […]

Using A Password Manager

With the vast amount of secure, sensitive, or private information stored online and on business servers, there are endless warnings about the importance of strong and secure passwords, and using different passwords for each of your accounts. Passwords need to be difficult to guess for hackers and impossible for random computer programs to create. There […]

Mobile Technology: Commerce

smartphone, mobile banking

To finish our discussion on how mobile technology is changing that way that we do business, in this article we want to focus on the commerce aspect. For small business owners, mobile technology can have a huge impact on how you handle the buying, selling, and all money aspects of your business. Mobile technology can […]

Mobile Marketing

mobile marketing

As we discussed in our previous post, mobile technology is rapidly changing the way that we do business. Small business owners who want to stay competitive have found it increasingly important to integrate various mobile technologies into their work place. In today’s look at mobile technology, we are going to focus on how mobile technology […]