Category Archives: Managed Services

Endpoint Detection and Response

Endpoint Detection and Response

Antivirus solutions have been continually evolving over the years along with threats and attack patterns.  Endpoint detection and response (EDR) is the latest evolution and offers some significant advantages over its predecessors.  It’s been a long journey.  Here is a brief timeline of AV evolution and some practical advice about the very real advantages of […]

Business Case – A Salt Lake City Manufacturing Company

woman working on computer

Clark sat at his desk staring at his monitor, the frustration mounting. He felt tired. He loved his work, and he was damn good at it. This was simply too much. He had started work at a new company a few months prior. As an IT administrator he was excited to get his hands dirty […]

IT Security for Small Businesses – A Complete Guide

IT Security for Small Business – A Complete Guide

The news is full of the latest companies that have suffered security breaches. These headlines focus on large corporations because the big numbers involved make the attack more impressive. This gives many small business owners a false sense of security -an illusion that there is security through obscurity. There is an idea that a “small […]

Why you should enable Office 365 Two Factor Authentication

The world is a dangerous place.  Keeping your business safe online can be a chore.  There are a lot of good reasons why you should enable office 365 two factor authentication.  The fact that it makes keeping your data safe easier is one.  Here are a few more. Ease of Use Security needs to be […]

10 Security Solutions Every Business Should Have

10 Security Solutions Every Business Should Have

The world of Cyber Security is full of evolving threats.  We hear about new attack vectors every day and have a very creative bunch of bad actors coming up with new ways to make trouble.  Ransomware is rampant.  Phishing is on the uptick.  IT teams struggle to keep their staff trained on all the security […]

The Evolution of Business Email Compromise

The Evolution of BEC

That Nigerian prince has finally grown up.  Business Email Compromise or BEC is a real and evolving threat.  It may have started with humble beginnings but has been continually evolving.  Attackers are leveraging a remote workforce and COVID-19 to continue to exploit businesses.  Here’s what to look out for in 2021. Money Transfer Requests Accounting […]

How to Tell When Your IT Provider is Failing

How to tell when your IT Provider is Failing

Technology is critical to almost every business today.  Many small and medium businesses turn to an outsourced IT provider to help manage that technology.  Not all IT providers are created equal.  Here are our tips on how to tell when your IT provider is failing. Ask Your Employees Start by doing an informal survey with […]

Bespoke IT Solutions

Bespoke IT Solutions

One size fits all solutions for IT really aren’t a thing.  Every business is different, and so are their needs for support, security, and ongoing maintenance.  The best solutions providers will ask a lot of questions and really seek to understand your business and your needs.  They seek to provide bespoke IT Solutions. A Consultative […]

What a Turn Off!

Turn Off

We did a site visit to a potential new client today to do a survey of their network and look at what we will be supporting.  Frankly, it was a hot mess.  The complexity that existed was SUPER high for a business with around 25 employees.  There was a TON of legacy systems that were […]